Monday, June 3, 2019

Why I Don't Shop on Amazon

I watched this video called Amazon Employees React to Amazon Employees on South Park. And it got me thinking. The stigma behind how Amazon treats their employees really hit me. I don't know why or for what reason, but I felt like I had to say something.

I've never worked at Amazon so this might not be the point of view as expected, but I'll just share my part.

One of the main reasons I don't shop on Amazon is because you can find the same thing on other sites like eBay for so much cheaper! I also hear story upon story of how a worker got fired for something really petty, like taking too long to input something. Or how that one worker had to pee in a cup because she had to reach her quota for the day. Don't get me wrong, they have literally EVERYTHING, but at what cost?

So why is the same product on eBay cheaper than it is on Amazon? Simple. Fees. eBay has a different fee schedule than on Amazon. Sellers can list their own shit on eBay for little to nothing, whereas on Amazon, there's both things from regular people like you and I, and also from Amazon itself, which adds onto the overall cost of the item. A $20 water bottle on Amazon could easily go for as little as $5 on eBay. Yes, really. Unlike Amazon, you can literally list ANYTHING on eBay. Well, there are some exceptions, but you get the idea. New, used, broken, list it on eBay and make a few extra bucks!

I'm not just saying eBay is the only alternative when it comes to online shopping. It's a good example of what other options are out there.

Also, membership. What is this, Costco? Even then, you get things in bulk and for cheaper (per unit)! Don't get me wrong, I tried the free-trial membership, and it was cool and all for the 30-days it lasted. It was nice getting my stuff a few days after I bought the item. But is it really NECESSARY? The whole point of online shopping is a economically planned out decision.

Think of it this way. You get to spend the day relaxing at home, doing whatever you want, shopping ONLINE instead of driving to a crowded store, finding parking, and then frantically looking through aisles for that one item you wanted, and then waiting in line to get that item THE SAME DAY. You probably just wasted half a day doing that. Minus the unnecessary window shopping for things you wanted.

Instead, you buy the same item online in the comfort of your own home, on your favourite couch, watching some Netflix and then wait a few days for that item to come. Simple.

So why do I have to pay for membership if the trade-off is just waiting a few extra days to get the item instead of getting it the same day? See, it just doesn't make sense to me. The whole idea of online shopping is expecting things to come a little later than tomorrow. So why pay for that luxury of getting things two days after you order it? It's like the buzz about Apple. Why pay for a $1000 "luxury" phone if you can get the same thing with similar if not better features for half the price?

This dives into the deeper question of the bigger the corporation, the shittier you get treated. Take Disney, for example. We all know of their infamous minimum wage, and how it just recently got pushed to $15 an hour. And how long their hours are with very minimal benefits and horrible standards. We've all heard those Disney horror stories.

So there you have it. Why I don't shop on Amazon. You could find things somewhere else. It's the 21st fucking century. Everything's online nowadays. You just gotta know where to look.

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