Sunday, June 2, 2013

Another One?

About that OTHER guy that came into my life...

Let's call him Bobby.

So Bobby was in two of my classes junior year. He would keep giving me this weird stare every time I went up to present something.  He also kept sneaking glances at me. He's been doing that ever since my sophomore year, but I didn't notice it until junior year.

But then, I had this weird feeling.  I think I started to like him. But this wasn't until the second semester of my junior year, like May or something.


So then, senior year approached.  I don't know if I liked him.  I think I did.

He got a girlfriend back in December.

I knew they wouldn't last because they seemed to have NOTHING in common.

She liked singing; he liked playing video games. She liked dancing.  He liked listening to music.  He would bring his iTouch to school every day and I would see him, every day, with his earphones in his ears!

Then, I started getting jealous.  But it didn't last very long. My jealousy and their relationship.  So they got together in December and broke up around mid-Feburary.


But then, I had this feeling that he wanted to get me back, but it was too late.  I've already moved on.  I wasn't thinking about him anymore.

Then, when I think it all ended, someone else came into my life.

Another guy.


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