Sunday, October 16, 2016

Mid-College Crisis

This weekend, was like every other weekend. I went home, and I thought I was going to have lunch with my sister, but she had to cancel because she had other plans. No biggie. 

So I was just doing my homework, like every other weekend. Creative writing. It was a piece of cake. Sociology. Harder but doable.

And then I got to my econ homework. I had a test on Tuesday, since we have a test every two weeks for that class. So...we pretty much have four tests and a cumulative finals. 

I would normally approach it with just reading the book and such, but it was different this time. Halfway reading through my economics book I thought, "What am I doing with my life?" All my life, I've sort of been pressured into doing everything. My dad pressuring me to do well in school (which wasn't a bad thing), him wanting me to study accounting (I later switched to marketing because I hated accounting and it bored the heck out of me), him wanting me to graduate college and get a job.

It got me thinking, DO I REALLY ENJOY MY MAJOR? I wanted to come in as an English or creative writing major, but I wanted to play it safe and stick to business, but when I couldn't get into the business school because of my low GPA, I switched to economics. After three years of taking economics classes, which I didn't particularly enjoy, but I toughed through it anyways, it made me realise, what the heck am I doing with my life?

Sooooo, long story short, I decided that I might as well finish off my degree in economics marketing, and just see where it takes me. My plan was that I  get a degree, see if I get a job I like, and if none of that works out, apply to Cal Poly Pomona in hotel management or nursing, and go from there. 

MORAL OF THE STORY: Pick the right major before going to a 4-year university.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Do all Asians look the same?

This has happened to me a lot over the course of my life and I thought I should discuss this.


I swear, I've gotten called so many names of my Asian classmates. I'll share two stories.

The first one happened to me in high school. By my CHINESE teacher, which was weird. There was this one girl, Shannon, who sat in front of me, and me, Jenny. Keep in mind, we're both Chinese. I would always get called Shannon all the time, and she would get called Jenny. And this is also in a room that is 90% Asian. I mean, we didn't look alike AT ALL. I had glasses and she didn't. I mean, we were kinda the same height, and she had glasses that she wore sometimes.

The next one happened to me also in high school. By my biology teacher. Me and my friend both had to retake the first semester of biology because of this teacher who was infamous at my high school for being boring and hard. We used the sit in the back of the classroom, and always next to each other, and we were both Asian (I think she was Vietnamese or something?) So the teacher (I wasn't sure if she was Middle Eastern or what; I don't wanna assume things) used to mix up our names a lot, which wasn't a big deal, since we'd always be sitting next to each other.

The last one actually happened today. My TA for my creative writing class (check out Edgar Gomez) asked the class if anyone had brought a hard copy of our assignments, and I was the only one who raised my hand, and he ended up calling me Tiffany (this other girl in my class who was Korean - I think - and we sat next to each other on the first day), and I had to awkwardly correct him, but he was cool about it.  And I look NOTHING like this girl - Tiffany had brown hair, no glasses, and was a bit shorter than I was. Although we sort of had similar length hair.

All of this got me All Asians really look that similar to non-Asians or do they just associate Asians as one broad category and tend to call us names that are given to other Asians because we are of the same group? Does it have to do with our facial structure?